
Meghan Kallman Announces Eight Endorsements for State Senate Campaign

For Immediate Release

Monday, July 27

Contact: Meghan Kallman


Meghan Kallman Announces Eight Endorsements for State Senate Campaign


Pawtucket, RI: State Senate candidate and Pawtucket city councilor Meghan Kallman announces the support of eight community and labor groups working on a range of issues in Rhode Island. These groups include:


Planned Parenthood Votes! RI, the Rhode Island Building and Construction Trades Council, SEIU 1199, the Working Families Party, the Rhode Island chapter of the National Organization for Women, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, the Substance Use Policy, Education, and Recovery PAC, and Sunrise RI.


Kallman said, “I’m deeply honored that our campaign has earned the support from such a wide array of groups in our community. These groups work on the issues that matter most to Pawtucket and North Providence – fair labor practices and economic justice, reproductive healthcare, women’s rights, commonsense gun reform, the climate crisis that’s knocking at our door, and recovery from substance abuse. They are on the ground in our community, building a stronger and more just Rhode Island. I am honored to receive their support, and look forward to collaborating with these organizations for the betterment of my constituents as state senator.” 



Planned Parenthood endorses Meghan Kallman for State Senate

Pawtucket, RI: Meghan Kallman is pleased to announce that her campaign for State Senate has earned the endorsement of Planned Parenthood Votes! RI. PPV!RI supports candidates who stand up for sexual and reproductive health and rights, including for safe and legal abortion, access to contraception, and social and economic justice. 

“Reproductive and social justice are inseparable,” said Kallman. “As the District 15 State Senator, I will always fight for both. Planned Parenthood has a long and proud history of standing up for sexual and reproductive health, and I am honored that our campaign has earned their support”. 



Kallman announces endorsement from Rhode Island Building and Construction Trades Council

Pawtucket, RI: Meghan Kallman, candidate for State Senate District 15 (Pawtucket and North Providence) is proud to announce that her campaign has received the endorsement of the Rhode Island Building and Construction Trades Council.  

“Meghan has a long history of activism in which she is passionately fighting for working

people. She will make a great senator that will represent the interests of the working men and women of the building trades,” said Michael Sabitoni, president of the RIBCTC.

“I am honored and delighted to receive this endorsement, and I deeply respect the priorities of the working people of our state,” said Kallman. “I am a union member myself, and this is the moment to ensure that people have access to well-paying, safe, dignified work that builds a shared future.”

A two-term city Democratic councilor in Pawtucket, Kallman is running to replace State Senator Donna Nesselbush, who announced in June that she would not be seeking re-election. Senate District 15 includes Pawtucket and North Providence. 



Meet Meghan

Meghan is committed to bringing the voices of the people of Pawtucket and Providence to the State House.
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